Program Schedule South Asian Cultural Convention 2016
February 19,2016 | February 20,2016 | February 21,2016 | |
TIME (GMT+6.00 HRs) |
Activities | Activities2 | Activities3 |
6:30 | Incurssion in gathering point (Reporting to dedicated volunteers and getting into the specified transport) |
6:30-7:00 | Arrival (in Shahbag) |
7:30-8:00 | Breakfast (in accomodation) |
Offering Floral Wreath to Central Shahid Minar (Memorial of Martyrs of Language movement in Bangladesh) in honor of Language Martyrs |
8:15 | Departure fom accommodation | Breakfast (in TSC Dhaka University) |
8:45-9:00 | Arrival (in the venue) |
Breakfast (Continution) |
9:00-10:00 | Registration (For all delegates) |
Session- 1 (PP Presentation on history & activities of organizations participating in the convention) Sangeet & Nityakala Auditorium |
Excursion in Bangla Academy Book Fair |
10:00-11:00 | Registration (Continution) |
Session- 1 (Continution) |
Excursion in Bangla Academy Book Fair (Continution) |
11:00-11:30 | Tea Break | Depart from Book Fair and arrival for Refreshment at PIB | |
11:30-12:00 | Registration (Continution) |
Session- 2 (Key note presentation on “Communalism & Imperarialism: Impact on South Asia” by Bangladesh and comments & remarks by Bangladesh) Sangeet & Nityakala Auditorium |
Refreshment at PIB (Continuation) |
12:00-13:00 | Registration (Continution) |
Session- 2 (Continution) |
Lunch (at Bangladesh Press Institute PIB) |
13:00-14:00 | Lunch (in the venue) | Lunch (in the venue) | Lunch (at Bangladesh Press Institute PIB) (Continution) |
14.00-15:00 | Lunch | Session- 3 (Discussion and set up of an action plan to develop a common platform in order to resist Communalism & Imperarialism thrue cultural movement ) Sangeet & Nityakala Auditorium |
Session- 4 (Dhaka declation: Signing by all participating organizations) Sangeet & Nityakala Auditorium |
15.00-16:00 | Session- 3 (Continution) |
Session- 4 (Dhaka declation: Signing by all participating organizations) (Continuation) Sangeet & Nityakala Auditorium |
16:00-17:00 | Inugural (Speech by country representatives and guests) Open Space at Shilpakala Academy ground |
Session- 3 (Continution with 30 mins tea break beginning from 16:30) |
Dhaka declaration on Open Program (Presenting declatin to the media and general audience) Sangeet & Nityakala Auditorium |
17:00-18:00 | Inugural ( Continuation) |
Cultural Program & Flim Show (Selected Organizations) Sangeet & Nityakala Auditorium |
Closing ceromony & Cultural Program Sangeet & Nityakala Auditorium |
18:00-19:00 | Inugural ( Continuation) |
Cultural Program & Flim Show (Continuation) |
Closing ceromony & Cultural Program (Continuation) |
18:00-19:00 | Cultural Program (Selected Organizations) Sangeet & Nityakala Auditorium |
Cultural Program & Flim Show (Continuation) |
Closing ceromony & Cultural Program (Continuation) |
19:00-20:30 | Cultural Program (Continuation) |
Cultural Program & Flim Show (Continuation) |
Closing ceromony & Cultural Program (Continuation) |
20:30-21:30 | Dinner (in the venue) | Dinner (in the venue) | Dinner (in the venue) |
21:30-21.45 | Incurssion in gathering point (Reporting to dedicated volunteers and getting into the specified transport) Infront of Sangeet & Nityakala Auditorium |
Incurssion in gathering point (Reporting to dedicated volunteers and getting into the specified transport) Infront of Sangeet & Nityakala Auditorium |
Incurssion in gathering point (Reporting to dedicated volunteers and getting into the specified transport) Infront of Sangeet & Nityakala Auditorium |
21:45 | Departure from Venue | Departure fom Venue | Departure fom Venue |
21:45-22:45 | Arrival to the accomodation | Arrival to the accomodation | Arrival to the accomodation |
Continue reading Program Schedule South Asian Cultural Convention 2016
Massage of Kamal Lohani
Friends, we the people of south Asia, we are under the threat of imperialist attack and communal attack. udichi shilpigisthi, the biggest cultural organization of Bangladesh and decided to arrange south Asian cultural convention against imperialism and Communism to be held on 19, 20, 21st February 2016. we have already invited some of our friend countries. Delegate from India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Japan, Nepal. We at the same time invite all people those who believe in progressive imperialism. They
should come forward and be united to fight back the imperialism and Communism.
-Kamal Lohani
President of Bangladesh Udichi Shilpigosthi
Written statement of South Asian Cultural Convention at Press Conference
সাম্রাজ্যবাদ ও সাম্প্রদায়িকতা বিরোধী দক্ষিণ এশীয় সাংস্কৃতিক কনভেনশন ২০১৬
প্রিয় সাংবাদিক বন্ধুগণ,
বাংলাদেশ উদীচী শিল্পীগোষ্ঠী কেন্দ্রীয় সংসদের পক্ষ থেকে আপনাদের সংগ্রামী শুভেচ্ছা ও অভিনন্দন জানাই। সাম্প্রদায়িকতা ও সাম্রাজ্যবাদ উভয়ই বিশ্ব মানবতার শত্র“। বিশ্বের প্রায় সর্বত্রই সাম্প্রদায়িকতার বীভৎস রূপ পরিলক্ষিত হচ্ছে। ধর্মান্ধ সাম্প্রদায়িকতা আজ মৌলবাদের ভয়াবহ রূপ ধারণ করেছে। Continue reading Written statement of South Asian Cultural Convention at Press Conference
Press Conference about the South Asian Convention
Udichi’s Press Conference about the South Asian Convention against Imperialism and Communalism. The press conference will be held at Dhaka Reporters’ Unity at 11 AM tomorrow, 17 February